Career Opportunities

Rainbow Logistics is domestically represented with 9 offices in China, Which covers the main ports including Shenzhen, Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao, Guangzhou, And we plan to open more local offices nearby the door of our customers in Pearl Delta River and Yangzi River, Also Rainbow has interesting to set up some offices in Far East Countries within 3 years. So there is a lot of job vacancy and we are glad to receive your resume to apply in each office.

More than 240 employee work with us now. We have very comprehensive training course when the greenhand join in Rainbow. And we are always looking for talented and enthusiastic people to join our team.

Join the Rainbow!

The Path to Success

The Path to Success. Many paths lead to success at Rainbow Logistics. Paths on which you rise to challenges and on which you, in turn, can challenge us. We know how to create an environment in which you can focus on finding your path to success: Together, we can plan your career step by step. We start as soon as you get on board. And we stand by your side when you take on additional challenges.

Rainbow Arrows

Send your resume to HR in the region you want to apply for, so we can find you outstanding .